“Sustained by contemplative living, we remain open to Mystery expressed in our evolving Universe” – Congregational Chapter, 2018
“We nurture and support contemplative living by deepening our understanding of creation-centred spirituality” – Provincial Chapter, 2019
We, Mercy Sisters, live out this commitment, recognising the interconnectedness of all life, as revealed through twentieth century science. “We continue our journey into greater awareness, knowing in the depths of our cosmic souls [this] radical call to reconnect with our deepest roots and to find our rightful place in the web of life as one species among many.” Kathleen Glennon rsm
Newly planted trees in the grounds of Longford Convent
We are conscious of the major environmental issues in our world, as we live through the sixth major extinction of species since life began on Earth. Interlinked issues include Global Warming, biodiversity loss, deforestation, use of fossil fuels, pollution (air, water, and plastic pollution of the oceans). As we raise awareness about these issues, we strive to address them Globally, in our Province, our local communities, and in our personal lives. We became an Eco-Province in 2016, publishing Walking Gently On Earth to tell our ecological story and our engagement with the wonder of the Universe Story.
Some of our practical engagement with Earth issues can be seen below:
- Globally: Co-operation with the Irish NGO Vita working in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
- Provincially: networking to support Climate Awareness Events
Climate Fest Castlebar 2019
- Locally: Engaging with such groups as Tidy Towns, Swift Conservation Ireland and Holy Wells Ireland
Bird boxes for swifts on Longford Secondary School
An Gáirdín Organic Garden and Ecology Centre, Portumna, Co Galway runs courses on Earth Literacy, the living out of the New Cosmology.
“Humanity still has the ability to work together in building up our common home” Laudato Si’ 13