In the health care area ministries are moving from the more traditional work of Matrons and Ward Sisters in hospitals, public health and Hospice Nurses in the local community, to the more recent ministries of pastoral care and complimentary therapies.
• Complementary Therapies
• ARC House
• Palliative Care
• Yoga
Members of Congregation of Sisters of Mercy, Lord Mayor Michael Ahern & Lady Mayoress Eileen Ahern at a civic reception to honour the Sisters of Mercy who established the Mercy University Hospital on St. Patrick’s Day 1857.
Complementary Therapies
The use of complementary therapies recognises and accepts the fact that the mind and body are one, and so all approaches to healing are from a holistic model.
Some of the more common complementary therapies are the following:
• Holistic body massage
• Aromatherapy
• Reflexology
• Indian Head massage
There is a valuable place for both conventional medicine and complementary therapies as the complement each other.
The word ‘yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit ‘yuj’ which means ‘to yolk’, ‘to unite’ or ‘to harmonise’. Through the regular practice of yoga, which consists of physical exercises, postures, breath awareness and breath control, relaxation, meditation and contemplation, one develops a harmony of body, mind, soul, spirit. This inner harmony leads to more harmonious relationships with other people, creation and the Creator of all.
Palliative Care
The Irish Cancer Society provides a nurse free of charge for ten nights to the families of patients in their final stage of life or when the patient is actively dying. The salary of the palliative care nurse is solely funded by the Daffodil Day collection which is so generously supported in March every year. More>>
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