Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Sceal Na Cruinne – The Universe Story

Sceal Na Cruinne – The Universe Story

Sceál Na Cruinne began in the hearts of two Mercy Sisters, who were touched by the wonders of the Universe (…) Read More

Life In Death – Death In Life

Life In Death – Death In Life

Trasnu is the name we chose for the regular gathering of Mercy Sisters from the Southern Province who have been (…) Read More

Ministry Weekend

Ministry Weekend

Northern Province Ministry Meeting, March 2010 For five years now Mary de Lacy, Ministry Co-Ordinator, has organized an annual weekend (…) Read More

Carven By His Power, Rocks Are His Written Word

Carven By His Power, Rocks Are His Written Word

The place I most wanted to visit in latter years has been the Holy Land. So in my Jubilee Year (…) Read More

Together We Can Help Make A Difference – 2010

Together We Can Help Make A Difference – 2010

‘Build it Week – Haiti, October 2010’ Recent events in our world flashing across our screens nightly have opened our (…) Read More

Asante Clinic

Asante Clinic

Four years ago an optician by the name of Bernard Jennings from Carlow began Asante Eye Clinic in Nuu, two (…) Read More