Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Sr. Michele O’Kelly – South Central Province

First Profession Of Sr. Michele O’Kelly – September 2004

Michele O’Kelly made First Profession in the South Central Province of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy in September 2004. The ceremony took place in the Parish Church in Coolock, Dublin and was attended by many Sisters of Mercy and Michele’s family and friends.

Michele and some of those who attended the Profession Ceremony

Sr. Mary Reynolds represented the Congregational Leadership Team and Sr. Helena O’Donoghue, Provincial leaders of South Central Province accepted Michele’s vows. The ceremony was followed by refreshments for all who attended. It was a wonderful occasion and we wish Michele many years of happiness as  a Sister of Mercy.

Srs. Michele O’Kelly, Helena O’Donoghue (Provincial Leader), Bernie O’Grady


Final Profession of Sr. Michele O’Kelly –  29th November 2008

‘What is seldom is wonderful!’ remarked Sr. Peggy Collins (Provincial Leader, SCP) in her Word of Welcome on Saturday November 29th 2008. This, she said, may be a cliché but it certainly was apt on this occasion, when Sr. Michele O’Kelly made her Final Profession to the Congregation in her home town of Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Her family, friends and many Sisters had travelled from far and wide to the Augustinian Friary on this bright, frosty day to celebrate what was to be a truly wonderful occasion. It was made all the more special, as Sr. Coirle McCarthy pointed out, by the fact that there were Sisters present from each of our seven Provinces.

Sr. Michele O’Kelly

In his homily, Fr. Seamus Murphy SJ emphasised the immensity of God’s love, encapsulated so eloquently in Michele’s chosen scripture readings, speaking of our need to open our hands in order to receive this abundant gift. He reiterated the words of the Sufi mystic Rumi from Michele’s Profession booklet, ‘Open your hands if you want to be held’. He also explored the challenge and the potential of the vows, reminding us that we were about to witness Michele’s response to God’s magnificent gift of love in her life. Michele prostrated before the altar as Fr. Kieran O’Mahony OSA led the congregation in the Litany of the Saints.

Sr. Coirle received her vows on behalf of the Congregation to the joy of all present. She later affirmed and encouraged Michele in her choice of this ‘road less travelled’, assuring her of our ongoing support as we live together in Mercy. Following a witty reminder from Fr. Seamus the solemn final blessing was confirmed with four rousing Amens. This prayerful liturgy was enhanced throughout by the musical talents of Srs. Margaret, Ailish, Frances and Moira, and the hearty singing of all.

 Srs. Peggy Collins, Michele O’Kelly and Coirle McCarthy

The celebrations continued in Lawlor’s Hotel over a delicious meal with much laughter and chat. Michele spoke from her heart as she expressed her profound joy, love and gratitude to all who had been part of her journey to this day, but most especially to the God of Mercy in whom she had found her true home.

All too soon time came to leave the ‘sunny south east’ and make our way home. Arriving in Dublin late, our bus having been delayed due to ‘engine troubles’, a Sister in her 90’s was asked sympathetically if she were tired, dismissing the notion she replied that she ‘had found the whole day exhilarating’. I must say I thoroughly agree – it was a wonderful day.

Congratulations Michele and may you be blessed always with a deep sense of God’s love in your passionate and compassionate heart.

Marion Ryan rsm
South Central Province