Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Southern - News

A Cheerful Smile, A Knowing Wink And A Gentle Touch

A Cheerful Smile, A Knowing Wink And A Gentle Touch

Visitation was a priority for our Foundress Catherine McAuley. Conscious of that reality we always held the ministry of visitation (…) Read More

New Beginnings In Former Convents

New Beginnings In Former Convents

“Though we live in a world that dreams of ending that always seems about to give in something that will (…) Read More

COVID Times In St. Mary’s Secondary School, Mallow, Cork

COVID Times In St. Mary’s Secondary School, Mallow, Cork

Four weeks into the second full lockdown, beginning on 11th of January in terms of schools and education, I reflect (…) Read More

Returning From US To Ireland In COVID Times

Returning From US To Ireland In COVID Times

In 1977, after five years teaching in Skibbereen, I was asked to go to Florida.  I embarked on my journey (…) Read More

The Life Of A Nurse Working

The Life Of A Nurse Working

During COVID-19 In Care Of The Older Adult Life changed for each one of us when, on the evening of (…) Read More

Together We Can Do Great Things

Together We Can Do Great Things

The piece below was submitted by Mary O’Mahony who teaches in the primary school in Mayfield, Cork City. She writes (…) Read More