Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Northern - News

Derry-Londonderry, UK City Of Culture 2013

Derry-Londonderry, UK City Of Culture 2013

City of Culture 2013 Logo Around 400,000 people crowded onto the streets of Derry in the closing days of the (…) Read More

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

“I had a strong concern for the plight of women and children throughout my life. I am now aware that (…) Read More

In The Flow Of The Mobius Strip

In The Flow Of The Mobius Strip

Some months ago, browsing in a charity shop in Enniskillen I came upon the Mobius Strip pictured above.  One week (…) Read More

Partnership For Global Justice

Partnership For Global Justice

I am delighted to contribute this piece for mercy@live.  As most of you know, I spent ten years as the (…) Read More

Parish Pastoral Councils

Parish Pastoral Councils

“The lay faithful should accustom themselves to working in the Parish in close union with their Priests…As far as possible (…) Read More

Book Review – SISTERS: Catholic Nuns And The Making Of America. John J. Fialka

Book Review – SISTERS: Catholic Nuns And The Making Of America. John J. Fialka

SISTERS: Catholic nuns and the making of America. John J. Fialka Pub. St. Martin Griffin, New York.  2003.  368 pp. (…) Read More