Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Northern - News

Cothú Agus Iomlánú – Launch Of New CD By Teresa Martin rsm

Cothú Agus Iomlánú – Launch Of New CD By Teresa Martin rsm

Cothú  agus Iomlánú: is a new and creative initiative, consisting of a twelve track CD of original musical compositions with (…) Read More

Ministry Weekend

Ministry Weekend

Northern Province Ministry Meeting, March 2010 For five years now Mary de Lacy, Ministry Co-Ordinator, has organized an annual weekend (…) Read More

Living Systems

Living Systems

On the 11th February as the world celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the release of Nelson Mandela from prison, I (…) Read More

Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week – ‘……..if winter comes, can Spring be far behind?’ To be or not to be involved in (…) Read More

50th Anniversary Of St. Mary’s, Derry

50th Anniversary Of St. Mary’s, Derry

St. Mary’s College in Derry has recently celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the school.  The school was (…) Read More

A Special Evening Of Commemoration And Sacred Music

A Special Evening Of Commemoration And Sacred Music

The first anniversary of the death of Derry’s Sister Aloysius McVeigh was marked at the Playhouse the site of the (…) Read More