January 21st to 27th, 2025
Theme: Alive In Christ
The theme for 2025 helps us to focus on what it means to be fully alive and how this fullness of being is found in the mind and heart of Jesus Christ.
In Catholic Schools Week we honour the women and men who have contributed in the classroom and with the witness of their lives to the promotion of human dignity and development. In these teachers we find the true meaning of life, life in its fullness.
Recent research continues to show that Catholic Schools offer a life-giving service in the world community.
The Catholic School weaves body, mind and spirit into human development and takes us beyond mere intellectual development to the “whole person” space.
The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2025 gives a focus to schools that are alive in the Light of Christ. These academies are instruments of the common good promoting young people in their search for meaning, in their spiritual longing, in their moral compass and in their intellectual growth.
The Catholic School is an environment of belonging where reaching out in justice and compassion is fostered and where life takes on its essential depth in a faith community.
Intellectual inquiry remains incomplete in absence of the faith – search and the inclusion of faith in the learning process deepens the vision and informs the journey of ethical change.
Catholic Schools were never more needed as a guide and an anchor, a light and a hope in the challenges of this cultural time.
Alive in Christ
Let us thank all those who teach in Catholic schools. Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life. (Pope Francis)
“Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!” – Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, Section 1.