Fourth Sunday of Advent – 22nd December
Blessed is she who believed. (Luke 1)
Photography courtesy of Sr. Rose Hogan, South Central Province
Blessed Lady, sky and stars, earth and rivers, day and night – everything that is subject to the power or use of man – rejoices that through you they are in some sense restored to their lost beauty and are endowed with inexpressible new grace. (St. Anselm)
As we journey with Mary to the place of new birth we know that Redemption happens with our participation.
In our human bodies we are vessels of new life and in us s the environment where God finds a home for the world.
Mary brings together the mutual relationship where we partner with God in the great act of giving life.
Do not be afraid Mary. I bring good news for all the world. There is a flower opening in the desert. A spring of fresh water is pushing through the sand. This is God’s time. The angels are singing; the universe is throbbing with expectation. You are the mother of the dawn.
Do not be afraid Mary. You carry within you the hope of every generation. The mystery is unfolding and from your body and blood the love of God become flesh. This is the news that was written in the beginning, woven into the creation story, You are the mother of the dawn.
O with what joy we sing of Mary