Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Feast Of The Holy Rosary – October 7th

The Rosary was a primary focus for many of us in our childhood years. Life was slower then and spaces were available. In a culture of speed and fast living, however, a prayer like the Rosary asks difficult questions and calls us to ponder.

As we reflect today on the mysteries of the Rosary, we see again that these mysteries connect us to the mysteries of life in our time, to its joys and sorrows, to its endings and beginnings. The Rosary in narrating the life of God-with-us, opens the landscape of our own lives where the Mystery lives on.

The Rosary offers guidance and support as we in our lives, cope with life-changing questions and grapple with heroic decisions. We too, like Mary, listen with dismay and seek explanations in the impossible situations of life.

The Rosary also brings us face-to-face with decisions for the common good and with finding trust in the handing over time and in the unknown future.

The Rosary is a journey holding the compass at the centre point and guiding our footprints in every cultural time. In the company of Jesus, Mary and Joseph we learn about the great human capacity to love and to be loved, to give and to forgive, to listen and to develop.

Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
I toss on a stormy sea,
Oh lift your child as a beacon light,
To the port where I fain would be and,

Mother of Christ,
Mother of Christ,
This do I ask of thee.
When the voyage is o’er
Oh stand on the shore
and show Him at last to me.
