Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Feast of St. Teresa Of Avila – October 15th

Rev. Corina van Oostande, Uniting Church, Albany, offers a poem written by Teresa of Avila who lived in sixteenth century Spain.

Extracted From:

I found completeness when each breath began to silently say the name of my Lord.

Most sounds express discontent, longing or negotiation… but even that I learned to control, until everything I knew burst in a glorious symmetry.

I have no seams, no walls, no laws. My frontiers and God’s are the same.

One Divine Being is existence.

What is the relationship of form to the unseen aspects of God?  What percentage of God is unseen? What percentage of the Truth of God do we know?

He led me to a place where only Light existed… The soul outside all walls never troubles Him, never wonders things like, “Where are you, Beloved?” For then your arms and God’s are intertwined.

I said to my Lord, “This holy place I have entered – is Your Name the only key to this? And my Lord answered, “How old do you think is existence? For, eons of time, souls have been entering me; every prophet’s name is a key, as is every heart full of forgiveness and love.”    (Teresa of Avila)

