Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Feast Of St. Francis Of Assisi – October 4th

Look at the World Like St. Francis of Assisi

Extracted from an article by Franciscan Ministries – Living Joyfully, published on October 4th, 2021

In this reflection from Franciscan Ministries, we are reminded that the impact of the prophetic vision survives the test of time. Francis of Assisi , after 800 years, continues to inspire and sustain us.


Francis lived in a time of great conflict, which often erupted into violence. Francis lived at a time where there was a great separation between people based on what they had and what they did not have. Francis lived at a time when he constantly reminded people of the gifts and the beauty of all creation, and he called all to care and nurture these gifts.

In the midst of all that was happening around him, Francis was able to listen for the calling of God in his life. Oftentimes, this was done by feeling the warmth of sun, the light of the moon in a dark sky, in the chatter of birds or in the quiet solitude of alone time.

As we mark the gift of his life today, our goal is not to live in the exact way he did, but rather to look at the world the way he did

n times of conflict and violence, we are to be a voice for peace.
In a time of separation, we are to work with one another toward unity.
In a time when our awareness of the fragility of our planet is being acknowledged, we are to be more intentional in our call to be stewards of creation.
In a time of a world-wide pandemic, racial and political division and a deepened sense of despair and hopelessness, we are to be signs of hope and possibility

That is what is ours to do!

Happy Feast of St. Francis of Assisi!

 Lord, help me to live this day quietly, peacefully.
To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully.
To wait for the unfolding of Thy will patiently, serenely.
To meet others peacefully, joyously.
To face tomorrow confidently, courageously. Amen.
(Dawn Mayer, Vice President of Mission Integration at Franciscan Ministries)

Earth Teach Me

Earth teach me!
Earth teach me the patience as the plants grow slowly.
Earth teach me hope as the plants grow slowly
Earth teach me hope as the first green shoots break through
Earth teach me courage as the wild animals protect their young
Earth teach me blessing as the sun rises each day
Earth teach me loving kindness as the birds migrate for winter
Earth teach me freedom as the birds who fly alone
Earth teach me celebration as the apples come to full fruit
Earth teach me yearning as the rain nourishes the drought
Earth teach me!    
(Source unknown)

