Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


What Will We Do With Them

Have you ever asked yourself that question, as you looked at a shelf – or shelves – of spiritual books in your room, or in the community library? Books which have deepened your faith and relationship with God, but which, probably, you will never read again.

In our community we asked that question of ourselves, and decided to approach the parish priest and suggest the setting up of a parish lending library. We discovered that a parishioner had already made the same suggestion. The answer was very positive and, with the help of one of the curates and that same generous parishioner, a suitable room was found at the back of St. Michael’s parish shop, and furnished as a welcoming space for the books and for those who would come to borrow them. Even tea/coffee making facilities were included.

Our small supply of books was quickly augmented by the Sisters in the local convent community, who said, ‘Take whatever you want from our library.’ We filled almost twenty boxes of up-to-date, inspirational, spiritual books, by well-known authors.  And then the word got around!  Soon we had book donations from Sisters from around the Northern Province, from parishioners, and from people of other parishes.  The library took shape, and was officially opened and blessed on Our Lady’s birthday, September 8th 2023.

The library is organised and operated by a team of twelve volunteers from the parish, and is open every morning (Monday – Saturday, 10.30am –1.30pm), not only to local parishioners, but to neighbouring parishes, across diocesan boundaries and to visitors to the town of Enniskillen. We have had borrowers from as far away as Cookstown, Ballyshannon, Sligo and Carrick on Shannon. The books can be freely borrowed, or read in the quiet and comfort of the library, with a mug of coffee in hand! Religious magazines, pamphlets and newspapers are also available, as well as some audio materials.  Do drop in, if you happen to be in the Enniskillen area.

A new development, in November 2023, was an extension of the library services to the back of St. Michael’s Church, where a small selection of books is available to borrowers who, for various reasons, may not be free or able to visit the library. Since the library opened seven months ago, 336 books have been borrowed.

So, if you find yourself asking the question, ‘What will we do with them?’, maybe your parish has a space for a lending library, where your books will continue to deepen faith and relationship with God in new readers?


Ann Marie McQuaid rsm
Northern Province