Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Farewell To Ballymahon

‘We remember always your work of faith, your labour of love,
your steadfastness of hope’ (1 Thess. 3) [quotation on the Commemorative Plaque]

On Saturday evening, June 10th, 2023, the eve of Corpus Christi, a very special sung Mass of Remembrance and Farewell was celebrated in St. Matthew’s Church, Ballymahon, Co Longford. The occasion was planned in grateful acknowledgement of the presence, prayer, and work-ministry of every Sister of Mercy, who at any time in the last one-hundred-and-fifty-one years had lived in the Ballymahon Mercy Community. It was also to give thanks, pray for, and say farewell to the three remaining Sisters Maura Fay, Vincent Keena, and Maura Conlon, pictured below:

The Parish Council and co-opted Committee with Fr. Liam Murray P.P. did careful planning and preparation for the evening. Many past pupils of both Primary and Secondary schools travelled to join with The Parish Community and The Sisters of Mercy for the occasion.

There was a real sense of being One Body of Christ, worshiping together. It was evident through the well-chosen music, the lovely singing both choral and solo, the prayers and readings of the day. A Commemorative Plaque will be displayed inside the Church.

Cover of Commemorative Booklet

Fr. Liam’s homily added his words of appreciation. He referred to a memory held by many senior parishioners, of the Corpus Christi Annual Procession, ending with Benediction in the grounds of the Convent. Mention was also made of his own personal experience of the hospitality, friendship and support he received from the Sisters. This was also felt through their co-operation and ministry in the parish, during his last seven years as Parish Priest. ‘Their legacy in Education, Music, Choirs, Pastoral work, and their way of Mercy living remains with us’, he concluded. ‘It falls on us, now, to keep that faith and way of care and support of one another alive’.

Sr. Breege O’Neill, Provincial Leader of Mercy Sisters, Western Province addressed the Congregation, on behalf of the Sisters, with words of gratitude, remembrance, acknowledgement, and appreciation. ‘Sitting here in this beautiful Church, it is impossible for us to imagine what it was like for the first four Sisters who founded a Mercy Community in Ballymahon on April 2nd, 1872. This took place in the aftermath of The Great Famine’, she said, ‘but they brought with them Hope’.  Breege mentioned how the first Sisters set to work doing what Mercy Sisters do: care for sick people, visitation, and prayer. They also visited the lonely and bereaved people, providing opportunities for education to ensure better ways of living for all, especially for families most in need. She paused to remember all the deceased Mercy Sisters and referred to the beauty of the music in the Liturgy as a hallmark of Ballymahon. ‘We cannot, now, because of our age, engage with the more active Mercy Ministries. Our chief Ministry is that of Prayer and Advocacy for the needs of all.’

The Ballymahon Community, including six Sisters home on holiday from the USA, taken in 1972, the year of the centenary of the Ballymahon foundation.

The Sisters had chosen The Feast of the Sacred Heart, June 16th to be their final day in Ballymahon. Breege bought attention to the significance of the feast: the Unconditional Love of God for each one. She went on to say how the work of Mercy in Ballymahon will now continue through the love and care of each member of the Parish Community.

A special presentation from the joint choirs was made to Sister Maura Fay, their most recent teacher and conductor. Two large cakes, specially decorated for the occasion were cut and distributed while the camaraderie and catch-up with parishioners, past pupils and Sisters continued.

A sense of ‘something bigger than ourselves happening’ was expressed by more than one Sister. In leaving Ballymahon another handing-over to lay responsibility was celebrated by us, Mercy Sisters, amidst the joy and sadness, the grace, gratitude and challenge of many Farewells and New Beginnings.


Rose Moran rsm
Western Province