Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Feast Of The Body And Blood Of Christ

The practice of passing on our heritage to our loved ones is a human yearning and so we leave what we treasure to those we treasure.

Jesus came to be with us, to become one of us, to remain with us, forever.

Behold, I am with you always, to the end of time  (Matthew 28:20)


This is my Body

This is my Blood

Revealed in the Bread and Wine
Expressed in the communion of hearts
Written in the first light
Rooted in the eternal covenant
Tasted in the giving and receiving
Heard in the flowing stream
Echoed in the song of the bird
Carved in the wood of the cross
Remembered in the Eucharist
Eternal in our loving.

Let all that is within us cry Holy

Let all that is within us cry Thank You

I know a key which never fails
To open the gates of Divine Mercy.
I know a river which will carry us
Into the promised land.
I know a palm tree which will shelter us
From the burning heat of our exile;
I know a spring whose refreshing waters slake
Our thirst in the desert of this life;
I know a star which will guide us
As the pillar of cloud guided Israel
Across the sandy ocean of our existence
To the end of our journey.

I know a dew which God sheds from heaven
And which must sustain us for the remainder
Of the road we have to travel;
I know a tree whose wood can sweeten
The bitter waters which are our
Portion to drink here below,
And make them give us a foretaste
Of the heavenly Canaan.
I know a victim whose sacrifice ascends
In an odour of sweetness to the
God of Abraham
And this secret key, this river, this palm tree,
This heavenly dew, this holocaust, is THE EUCHARIST.

(Fr. Hermann Cohen)

