Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Pope Francis Announces Ecumenical Prayer Service

Vatican – January 16th, 2023

In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis announced that an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil will take place in St. Peter’s Square on September 30th, as part of the Church’s ongoing Synod on Synodality.

The ecumenical prayer vigil, organized by the Taizé Community, will “entrust to God the work of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops,” set to take place in two sessions from October 4th to 29th and in October 2024.

“Starting now, I invite our brothers and sisters of all Christian denominations to participate in this gathering of the People of God,” the Pope said.

Pope Francis also highlighted the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which will begin this week on January 18th, noting that the “path to Christian unity and the Church’s journey to synodal conversion are linked.

“We thank the Lord, who faithfully and patiently guides his people toward full communion, and we ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten and sustain us with his gifts,” he said.

