Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


The Depth Of Christmas

Christmas is a Deep Dive… The words “Deep Dive” are used by Lucy Slinger, FSPA , in LCWR publication, Fall 2022

Lucy Slinger is not talking about Christmas but she is talking about finding new ways of knowing and she understands that this will involve a “dive into murky water” to rediscover our true DNA.

The Season of Christmas calls us every year to reconnect with our DNA . Quoting Thomas Berry, the author Lucy Slinger hears the concern that we have grown to disregard the “life-supporting ways of knowing contained in our DNA.” She believes that the healing of the great social ills of our time will take deeper “soul knowledge” and Lucy Slinger invites us to connect with the “very marrow of our own bones” to evolve life in the universal community.

Christmas takes us to the “marrow of our bones”. The “soul knowledge” awakened for us in the Word made flesh “goes beyond the facts, beyond the emotions and into the essence of my spiritual soul.

As we behold the Incarnation in the troubled waters of our time we see the DNA that holds all creation in communion and in the words of Lucy Slinger “our very DNA cries out for this deeper dive pondering who I am in relation to all that is.

Christmas is forever

