Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Investiture Of Archbishop Francis Duffy With The Pallium

Tuam Cathedral saw an historic, solemn ritual on Sunday, October 2nd, 2022, when the new Archbishop, Francis Duffy was invested with a significant mark of his office. The Pallium is made of pure lamb’s wool, blessed by the Pope. It reminds the wearer of Christ, the Good Shepherd, charged with the care of the sheep of his flock. It is worn scapular like over the shoulders, suggesting the image of Jesus bearing the lost sheep, bringing them home.

Image used with kind permission of Fr. Stephen Farragher

In times past, the investiture of the Pallium happened in Rome. However, our present Pope Francis believes that this needs to take place in the home diocese of each Archbishop, among the people whom he is called to shepherd. For this reason, this event was the first of its kind in our Western Province. It is another sign of the Synodal Pathway, to which Pope Francis calls everyone.

Front of the Cathedral during the Ceremony

Archbishop Francis spoke in his homily about the new reality of priests becoming fewer in our parishes. He gave enthusiastic support to the new vision of all the people of God being involved in ministries once seen as the sole domain of the ordained.

Archbishop Francis Duffy

A great number of invitees enjoyed the ceremony and were invited to refreshments afterwards in the nearby Mercy Secondary School, Scoil Bhríde. Archbishop Francis circulated among the many, showing pleasure in meeting friends, old and new. We wish Archbishop Francis well in his ministry. Even if the Pallium will not be worn physically over his shoulders every day, it will undoubtedly be in his consciousness.

Image from the back of the booklet used for the ceremony

Images by Suzanne Ryder and Fr. Stephen Farragher


Suzanne Ryder
Western Province