Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


The Letter Film And Laudato Si’ Meeting

The invitation from Jane Mellett, Laudato Si Officer, Trocaire, is a valuable resource as the world trembles.  You will find information on the following below:

  • The Letter Film
  • Laudato Si Network Meeting
  • Opportunity to participate

The Letter Film:And what an exciting project to begin with as the long awaited Laudato Si’ movie has been launched on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi in Rome! The Letter – A Message for Our Earth offers a compelling new message for our planet. You can see the trailer and info about the film. The movie itself is available to watch, for free on YouTube here. If you would like to see the recording of the premier event, which includes speeches from the stars of the show, it is available here . In just two days since its launch, it has 500,000 views! Communities are welcome to host a screening of the film. In fact, we are counting on YOU to make it happen! There will a training webinar, organised by the Laudato Si’ Movement on October 19th from 4 pm – 5.30 pm Irish time. You can register for this webinar here and it will be an informative session on all you need to know to host a screening. You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions about it to the LSM Team, brainstorm with the other participants and you’ll receive a resource pack to help you organise. We would ask that you register your planned local screening on the official website here. By registering your screening, you will receive a link to the film that can be watched without license, for free. For those of you who are based in Ireland, we would ask that you wait to organise your local screening until after November 15th if possible. Laudato Si’ Network Meeting:
It has been a few months since we gathered on zoom. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 26th October at 7.30 pm. At this meeting we will hear the good news of your activities from the Season of Creation, hear your feedback on the resources and also use the time to discuss any queries in relation to The Letter movie screenings. Everyone is welcome. These meetings are a good opportunity to hear what is happening around the country, to meet and pray together and see how we might support one another as we move forward. Please register here.

