Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Restructuring Of Irish Dioceses

In his introduction to this book, Restructuring of Irish Dioceses, Fr. Eugene Duffy returns us to the request from the Second Vatican Council that “a prudent revision of diocesan boundaries be undertaken as soon as possible.” Eugene Duffy accepts that the restructuring or the diocesan system in Ireland “may well require a complete redrawing of the boundaries…not unlike what happened in the twelfth century.

This book woven in the words, insights and experiences of many accomplished authors is a journey. It helps us to learn from the past, to inhabit the present and to build a sustainable future.

Chapter 7
In Chapter 7 of this book , entitled Mercy Mission and Merger Sr. Helena O’Donoghue R.S.M. considers three dynamics that stand out for her when she considers “the organisational journey of Sisters of Mercy in Ireland.”  These are:

  • The unstoppable river of change
  • The pressing call to Gospel communion
  • The undeniable urgency of mission in our broken world.

This excellent contribution from Helena connects the structural changes of a religious congregation with the cultural, theological, social and ecological changes of an evolving universe. It is a very valuable resource for any restructuring effort and a significant contribution to this particular book, at this time, in the global reality.

We thank all the contributors to The Restructuring of Irish Dioceses and we welcome this book as a comprehensive narration and important resource to a Church in a time that looks like “the change of an era”.

