Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


We Have Not Here A Lasting City, But…

Sisters of Mercy have served and supported the disadvantaged and the vulnerable for over one hundred and fifty years. We do this quietly and unobtrusively, generally unselfconsciously and largely unaware of the impact we are having on people. And yet, today, we appreciate that since everything is connected, everything we do has an impact. Barbara Brown Taylor sums this up in the striking and perhaps startling view that ‘Every one of us will change the world, whether we mean to or not’.

As our physical energy wanes, we still seek to reflect the divine compassion through our prayerful presence. Who could have imagined that our presence and compassion would be acknowledged by having roads named in memory of our Sisters? And that is precisely what has happened!

Sr. Finbarr Breslin’s Road Sign

Mullingar is to have a new road, Sr. Finbarr Breslin Road, serving the Primary Care Centre off Harbour Road, in recognition of a life of commitment and service by Sister Finbarr, who lived and died in the town, and dedicated her life to the upbuilding of local people, especially women.

In Lurgan, Co Armagh, a similar decision has been taken. Part of a new housing project on Cornakinnegar Road is to be named St. Anne’s, designated in memory of Sr. St. Anne Clinton (known to the Sisters as Sr. Angela), who dedicated her life to teaching. Sr. St. Anne was principal of St. Michael’s Grammar School for twenty seven years. The school is just across the road from the housing estate.

Sr. St. Anne (Angela) Clinton’ Road Sign

We are naturally delighted on behalf of these two Sisters, both of whom have now gone to their eternal reward. We see the honour as rightly reflecting the contribution of hundreds, indeed thousands of Sisters of Mercy who through selfless devotion, love and gentle presence served, and continue to serve as a reflection of the Divine compassion, that ‘secretly, we know not how’ affects the world and builds up the reign of God.

Philomena Horner rsm
Northern Province