Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Earth Day – April 22nd, 2022

Theme: Invest in Our Planet

Mother Earth, the pulse of life: The United Nations General Assembly has asked that the 22nd April be set aside annually as a day of global awareness for celebrating the giftedness of Our Mother Earth, the pulse of human well-being and of life.

Invest in our Planet: Each year The U.N. presents a theme with the hope that some action might make a difference to our personal health and that of our planet. This year “Invest in our Planet” is presented as an urgent call to care for our common home. This has never been so vital for each of us on a personal level, and collectively as nations, both now and for future generations.

A time to wonder: Reflecting on sayings from Psalms, and on photos of familiar scenes can help excite praise for our Creator God on this Earth Day 2022. We might take time to wonder and feel a sense of presence in such animate beauty.

Why cannot we learn from Nature, why cannot we Protect our Earth?

 Why cannot more people contemplate the Beauty and Harmony of Nature?

Nature is our wise tutor if only we would listen and above all “Invest” in the protection of our Sacred Planet.

Our Earth Day wish and prayer could be that peace and harmony might be realised in 2022

Nora Burke rsm
Integrity of Life Group