Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Prayer For Peace

We are Praying Lord, Hear our Prayer

As we join our hearts and voices with the community of all life we pray for peace in Ukraine, Russia and their neighbouring states.

All Loving God,

As the threat of war gathers once again in human hearts, we pray:

Give us a change of vision to see the injustice of killing

Give us a change of language to replace threats with dialogue

Give us a change of mind to grasp the emptiness of war

Give us a change of hearing to heal the broken relationship

Give us a change of purpose, to silence the guns, forever

Give us a change of compass, to open a pathway to the handshake

Give us a change of heart, to be agents of God’s love and mercy.


At this time when killing, maiming and destroying threaten to wipe out families and friends we pause together in a communal prayer of intercession:

May our prayer rise before you like incense O God

In your mercy lead the people of Ukraine and Russia to reconciliation and peace.

Catherine McAuley pray for your people