Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Good Mercy By Barry Feely

With contributions by Geraldine Kelly rsm and Christy Wynne

In this book Barry Feely traces the contribution of the Sisters of Mercy in Boyle, Co. Roscommon. The convent in Boyle closed 28th April, 2017 causing “much regret” in the town and surrounding area. This is a book of remembering, honoring and acknowledging the years of selfless giving that marked the lives of the Sisters of Mercy in Boyle.

The journey as mapped out by Barry Feely takes us from the beginning years of “dire distress and hardship” through the development of education, care of people in the workhouse, provision of laundry service, lessons in music, home-crafts and other practical learnings. The convent chapel was available for adoration 24 hours a day for over thirty years.

On the occasion of the closure of Boyle Convent, Mrs Mary Cryan, a former teacher wrote:

Go Safely: A Farewell

Go safely from our company
where softly you have lived-
Promised to a beloved Lord,
Our universal God.
We part reluctantly
Ourselves’ lives dotted with your names,
Our histories resonant with others long gone home
We part reluctantly

