Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Mercy Law Annual Report For 2020

The Mercy Law Annual Report for 2020 was launched on November 30th, 2021.

In her Introduction Sr. Helena O’Donoghue recalled that during this “cathartic time” Mercy Law Resource Centre assisted close to 750 people “who were carrying the burden of homelessness or the risk of becoming homeless.

In addition to service to clients, MLRC continued its policy work in 2020, focusing with other agencies on the collaborative effort to put the ‘right to a home’ on a legal footing.  In January 2020 MLRC joined with other stakeholders in launching the “Home for Good” coalition.

In 2020 MLRC grew its Communications considerably, featuring in 10 media pieces including high profile interviews.

MLRC also raised the issue of hidden official barriers which distressed people face in trying to access suitable accommodation, particularly those from minority groups.

With the advent of COVID-19 MLRC adapted its service to maintain support for its clients. Aoife Kelly Desmond (Managing Solicitor), notes that the MLRC service “proved crucial during this tumultuous time”.

MLRC looks forward to continuing our work as an impassioned advocate both for our individual clients and for broader changes to policies and laws, to strive for a fairer future where everyone has a place to call home.   (Aoife Kelly, Introduction)

The MLRC Report for 2020 inspires hope, encourages support for homeless persons and reveals the vision and commitment of so many people in the cause of human rights for everyone.

For further information, please click here.
