Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Here I Am, Send Me

World Mission Sunday – the one day in the year when the entire global Church comes together in support of mission.

Calling us

  • To Support the Mission of the Church in the world via MISSIO
  • To Express solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Christ who live with violence and oppression
  • To Proclaim the Love of God for all people
  • To Join the Lifeline of missionaries who bring the Good News
  • To Consider that my donation supports churches, hospitals, schools … where the Church is young, new and possible poor.
  • To Work with people of different faiths to build trust and global peace.
  • To Partner with the Church in the Light of our Baptism
  • To Honour the dedicated women and men who speak of God’s Love, Hope and Mercy, in troubled areas of conflict and violence

This year, focus is given to Nigeria and to the work of Sr. Veronica. In an area challenged by poverty and historical religious tensions, the Women’s Interfaith Council, established in 2010 by the Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles, helps to empower women to be agents of peace and reconciliation. Sr. Veronica has been leading the Council since 2019 and in her words:

When you train a woman, you train a nation. We bring them together as women and build peace. Every religion talks about love, there is no religion that talks about war.

We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard. (Pope Francis)

