Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


COP 26 – Pope Francis Calls For “Effective Responses”

In BBC message, Pope Francis appeals for ‘effective responses’ to ecological crisis.    (By CNA Staff, October 29th, 2021)

On the eve of the COP 26 meeting in Glasgow, Pope Francis has appealed to decision makers who gather in Glasgow to “provide effective responsesto the ecological crisis and to “offer concrete hope” to future generations.


 … And it is worth repeating that each of us — whoever and wherever we may be — can play our own part in changing our collective response to the unprecedented threat of climate change and the degradation of our common home.

In his reflection, Pope Francis recalled meeting with religious leaders and scientists at the Vatican on October 4th to sign a joint appeal urging countries to “achieve net-zero carbon emissions as soon as possible.

I was impressed by something said by one of the scientists present at that meeting. He told us: ‘If things continue as they are, in 50 years’ time my baby granddaughter will have to live in an unliveable world.’ We cannot allow this to happen!”

It is essential that each of us be committed to this urgent change of direction, sustained by our own faith and spirituality.

We find ourselves increasingly frail and even fearful, caught up in a succession of ‘crises’ in the areas of healthcare, the environment, food supplies, and the economy, to say nothing of social, humanitarian, and ethical crises.

Every crisis calls for vision, the ability to formulate plans and put them rapidly into action, to rethink the future of the world, our common home, and to reassess our common purpose.

These crises present us with the need to take decisions, radical decisions that are not always easy. At the same time, moments of difficulty like these also present opportunities, opportunities that we must not waste.”

The Solution:  …it can only be pursued through a renewed sense of shared responsibility for our world, and an effective solidarity based on justice, a sense of our common destiny, and a recognition of the unity of our human family in God’s plan for the world…

All this represents an immense cultural challenge. It means giving priority to the common good…

The most important lesson we can take from these crises is our need to build together, so that there will no longer be any borders, barriers, or political walls …

Let us Pray

Loving God,
We praise your name with all you have created.

You are present in the whole universe, and in the smallest of creatures.

We acknowledge the responsibilities you have placed upon us
as stewards of your creation.

May the Holy Spirit inspire all political leaders at COP 26 as they
seek to embrace the changes needed to foster a more sustainable society.

Instill in them the courage and gentleness to implement fairer solutions
for the poorest and most vulnerable,
and commit their nations to the care of Our Common Home.

We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son.


(Prayer at