Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Delivering HOPE

As we look forward to brighter times ahead with the roll-out of vaccines, the easing of restrictions and the promise of being able to meet our friends, family and colleagues again in the near future, we remain hopeful for what the future brings in 2021.

We remain mindful of those whose lives have changed forever, or ended, due to COVID-19 and our thoughts are particularly with our friends at St. Vincent de Paul. You will recall that we set out in 2019, with the generous assistance of our province leaders, to support the work of St. Vincent de Paul with the launch of the CD May HOPE Be Yours, SVP have reported growing calls for their support and resources and in the past weeks, announced that “Data from a representative sample of 1026 adults, shows that 43% of the population reported experiencing at least one form of financial strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic with:

      • 24% cutting back on food, heating or electricity due to cost.
      • 22% using savings to meet ordinary living expenses.
      • 14% falling behind on bills such as rent, mortgages, utilities or other regular payments.
      • 7% going into debt (personal loan, credit cards) to meet ordinary living expenses.” (SVP, 2021)

It is difficult to measure the true extent of COVID-19 for so many and we continue to do what we can to help people, in whatever way we can. To help support SVP, and the families they reach, we have decided to reach out once again to encourage you to purchase a copy of May HOPE Be Yours. Now priced at €10, the CD is available for direct order from Mercy International Association. We are hopeful that the remaining copies of the CD’s will be sold quickly thus supporting many families in need of our support now. Please share this article with anyone who you think may like to purchase a copy

Left to Right:  Frances Kennedy, Patricia O’Donovan and Marie Cox

Thank You

Marie Cox, Frances Kennedy, Patricia O’Donovan