Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Mercy Global Presence – U.S. Region

The focus for the December Mercy Global Presence Regional Zoom gatherings was the Living Cosmic Advent Wreath which illustrates five moments of God’s presence.

The five moments to the Cosmic Wreath are:

(1) Birth of the Universe

(2) Birth of the Solar System

(3) Birth of Jesus Christ

(4) My birth into the whole Cosmic Body of the Universe 

(5) All is One.

Sisters could share on any of the moments. The reflection questions served as spring boards for the conversations.

Harvesting of the ideas: I would like to share the pearls of wisdom that I heard in the conversations.

Reference was made to the joy and hope that was tangible among the Zoom participants. Despite the darkness of the current crisis, and the sufferings people are enduring due to COVID-19, the Spirit is pushing through and new life is waiting to be birthed.

The gratuity of grace is never exhausted and never expires.

Everything in life is gift.

Tangible signs of advocacy and support are visible for planet earth. Creation groans….(Richard Rohr)

There is great sadness concerning over-consumption and loss of species. We see this loss and diminishment in various ways and places. There is a consciousness like never before being birthed. The hope is for global transformation.

Reference to awe and wonder …… God is present in every Moment. Can we see, hear, feel the presence, or are we too busy promoting our agenda?

There is a surge in spirituality. Persons are finding inspiration in virtual faith sharing groups.

Climate change is real. Advocate when possible, and where possible.

Reference to an article in the Irish Catholic newspaper by Bairbre Cahill, November 26th, 2020. She writes about Advent and Incarnation. It was recommended that we read the article.

Called to a new awakening: The restrictions of the lockdown have provided time and silence for reading, prayer, reflection, and a space to hold the deeper questions.

It is encouraging how young people are engaging the challenges of COVID-19, voicing their deep desire to bring about hope and change.

Soil is sacred – linger with the poems by Joyce Kilmer.

Awe and Wonder absorbed shows us how the earth came to be. It brings us to a greater appreciation of the Creator’s extravagance and quells our need and desire to conquer it.

In the beginning a Word was spoken. Words are important to us. The whole Universe speaks to us. The Word became flesh and lives among us.

Finding hope and promise together as a Mercy family: as Sisters, Associates, and partners in Mercy is powerful. Being God’s Mercy in the global world is doing God’s work.

 “God said, let there be light’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.” (Gen. 1:3-4)

This article was first published in Rejoice Newsletter, December 2020

Kathleen Walsh rsm
US Region