Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


The Pearl Of Great Price

Over the years the Pearl has captured the imagination of artists and it has given lasting impact to painters, musicians, poets and fashion designers. In seeking to fill our vision and direct our focus the makers of beauty looked to the Pearl.

The jewel of great price reflects our own journey. Natural pearls have an unlikely beginning and they emerge from what first appears as grime, irritating and useless.  But slowly and over years of struggle the Pearl is formed. The discovery is priceless as we come face to face with the treasure.

Treasure is a heart word and we hold it in the heart space. In the Gospel story the treasure was in the field, buried in the soil, living in the ecosystem, hidden in the grasses, covered by the weeds, protected by the wild flowers. One person saw the reflection of light . The person noticed and bought the field.

Our recent experience with COVID 19 has surely been a searching time. With a system of guidelines we sought to protect life and out of the lockdown a new light of kindness and tenderness of insight and wisdom is filling the rainbow. It looks like a vision of wonder and every system is resounding as the oyster shell breaks open to reveal the pearl. In the Gospel story the joy of the finder says it all; He sold everything he had to hold the treasure.

To see the divine presence, to feel the heartbeat in all things, is the depth of the ocean. The Pearl reveals the purpose of the climb and In the vision of great beauty we see the eternal shape etched in the universal communion. Our hearts beat with the unbearable attraction. There is no option but to buy the field…

Late have I loved you O Beauty ever ancient ever new… ( St.Augustine)