Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Solstice – June 20th

A time to breathe slowly, linger…. The loveliest night of the year

The word Solstice combines  Sol – sun and Sistere – standing still.  The solstice is a global connection and everywhere, on earth , in sea and sky  the cosmic awareness of the Light calls us to the holy hour.

Oh world invisible we view thee  – Francis Thompson

Solstice is a turning point. In our shared humanity we go forward together, sometimes into the growing light and sometimes into the longest night. At Solstice we hand over to the inner movement and the change of direction. Solstice can be the longest or the shortest, the darkest or the brightest, the beginning or the ending but it is always the connection. It happens at an exact moment for all inhabitants of our planet, the call to be still, to observe, to know.

The heavens are telling the glory of God

In the Solstice time when the sun appears to have paused we are all deeply affected. In this natural event there is a natural emotion, shaded with all other emotions. The Solstice has been honoured in sacred remembrance over the centuries and we still gather to breathe in the wonder of alignment as Earth and Sun yield to the divine embrace. In their harmony of mutual giving and receiving we behold Solstice.

The You Tube video included here reminds us that Solstice is a different climatic experience according to hemisphere.


Spirit of Life, Source of all Being:

We stand on the edge of the Summer Solstice,
the longest day of the year,
the time when the earth’s tilt brings us
closest to the sun.

It is the time of most promise,
the most lush growth—
and yet also the time
when daylight begins receding.

Both at once,
both splendor and loss at once.

This is how it is here
on this beautiful blue-green ball
hurtling through the vastness of space.

There is great joy here.
There is terrible pain here.
And with it all,
there are moments
of illumination and grace.

May we be thankful for all of it
for in better and in worse
this is where we belong.

Here on Earth is where we belong.

Blessed be. 


Anna Burke