Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Together In Jerusalem

In this time of deep conscience –  awakening Sisters of Mercy all over the world, in partnership with all people, seek to work together for a Mercy Global Presence. The recent historic interfaith gathering in Jerusalem inspires and supports our effort for unity, peace and justice. In recent weeks we have engaged with the topic Faith Traditions and Mercy in which we pondered again the one heart and one mind that is the dream of Mercy. May they be one as we are one… (John 17:21) The unity of State and Church authorities in Jerusalem on April 22nd, 2020, to pray that the Mercy of God would be a global presence with healing and hope for all people, is a visible testimony to the transformation of hearts where Mercy and Faith traditions meet.

The harmonizing of Faith traditions offers new pathways of hope for all the world. On April 22nd 2020 the global suffering experienced from COVID-19 and the rising wave of antisemitism and racism in various parts of the world contributed to the historic praying together in Jerusalem. In what might be called a local gathering of neighbours, there was also a new dawn for the world as Israel’s chief rabbis and religious leaders of all Faiths gathered to offer a newly penned common prayer. In introducing the meeting, British Rabbi David Rosen said:

The religious leaders of this land and this country have come together for the first time ever to recite a joint prayer for divine mercy and compassion of the Lord at this historic moment when we are challenged by a pandemic.

Joint Prayer for All Religions

G-d of the first and of the last, G-d of all Creatures, Lord of all generations, you arouse those who sleep and awaken those who slumber, You heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind and raise those who are bowed down. We come before you with a bowed head, and with bent stature, and plead.
Hundreds of thousands died, millions have fallen sick. Save, we beseech thee, O Lord. We entreat thee, O Lord, send prosperity! Send complete recovery to the sick, avert the plague from Your world.

Please, G-d, You who have nourished us in famine and provided us with plenty; You have removed us from pestilence, and freed us from severe and long-lasting disease – Help us.

Until now, Your mercy has aided us and Your kindness has not abandoned us, therefore we plead and request before You to heal us, Lord, and we will be healed, Save us and we will be saved, for You are our glory.

As we thank you, our sisters and brothers for the gift of this special prayer time, we join our prayer with yours that together we may be instruments of God’s Mercy in the community of all life.


Anna Burke