Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Mercy Global Presence – Segment Two

March 2020 to June 2020

In Segment One of Mercy Global Presence we explored the implications of the Global context. This is for us a journey of becoming as together we seek to deepen our understanding of our important presence in a rapidly changing environment, at every level.

Segment Two of this journey focuses on the theme of MERCY.

From March 25th of this year until June we will reflect together on

God’s Mercy

Earth’s Mercy

 Our Mercy

As in Segment One we will be assisted by the wisdom and insights of diverse voices as we explore:

Mercy in all major Faith Traditions

The plea for Mercy in the degradation of Earth

The cry for Mercy in the displacement of persons

The wondrous ways of Mercy, visible in our time

In this time of fear and darkness as COVID-19  casts a shadow on the earth and her people, Mercy is reignited in our world as we cross boundaries with love and care and build bridges of kindness. We pray deeply that God’s Mercy will indeed become a global presence and may we continue to partner with God and with all people in the pursuit of the great dream of communion.