Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


January: The Month Of Awareness

O God, Eternal Breath of Life
Through all creation your presence shines.

I am aware of you
In the in the wind that blows across the oceans
and in the calmness of the dewdrop.

I am aware of you
In the mystery of the rising sun
And in the rain cloud giving way to light

I am aware of you
in the song of birds mapping the course
And in the strength of the snowdrop breaking through

I am aware of you
In the warmth of friendship’s trust
And in the cold of the ice flow

I am aware of you
In the love that sustains the ecosystem
And in the hand of forgiveness

I am aware of you
In the Summer days of green fields
And in the Winter days of silent trees.

I am aware of you
In the waiting soil holding your life
And in the meadow of wild flowers

I am aware of you
In the ending of every beginning,
And in the beginning of every ending

I am aware of you
In this January day at the edge of dawn
And in the heart that loves until evening

From the rising of the sun to its setting my life praises God