Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Outward Bound Barque


Twenty-seven small craft set sail as one adventuring Barque
The ocean of mercy beckoned from the coves of comfort
The wind-Spirit steered through a misty onward passage
The flotsam and jetsam of former havens trail in its wake

The rowing encounter gives and receives beyond
The compassion of presence abounds aboard
The song of circle awakens fresh hope and joy
Quelling the fear of the unknown.

Out on the seas of the Jesus mission
Shoals of creature pain rise from the deep
Vulnerable vessel buffeted within and without
Holds mast as new companions climb on

The outward-bound Barque twenty-five years on
Lighter and heavier but never be-calmed
Makes headway in faith on mercy waves
To harbour from danger
A depleting planet and its paling life

Through the narrows of our time
Jubilee Barque moves by the compass call
And ever proclaims the holy kindness
Of the One Who holds all in the Ark of Love.


By Helena O’Donoghue rsm (2019)