Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Máire Hearty Takes Her First Vows

In many cultures, rain is a sign of blessing and rain fell, softly and persistently, on Saturday 13th October as Máire Hearty made her vows as part of her First Profession ceremony at the Church of the Assumption in Booterstown, Co Dublin. Outside it was damp and misty but inside there was light and warmth as Maire welcomed family and friends and fellow Sisters from near and far. Guests included Sisters who had come from across the province and as far away as the US and the UK to be with Máire on her big day. A warm welcome was extended to all by the sisters in the Booterstown community and weary travellers were refreshed with a comfortable cup of tea and a homemade scone.

Máire with Fr. Sean Cunningham

The ceremony itself was simple and beautiful. Máire’s friend Father Sean presided at the mass and reminded us how Máire discovered her vocation when he was ‘practising on her’ as part of his course in spiritual direction! The readings chosen by Máire reflected a strong sense of call: Jeremiah spoke of a call to a future full of hope when we search for God with all our hearts; the psalm was a call to respond with Samuel, saying ‘Here I am, Lord’; and the Gospel told the story of Levi’s call to follow Jesus and reminded us that we are all sinners and are all called to the one table of fellowship with God.

Left to Right:  Sr. Brid Mulally, Máire and Sr. Peggy Collins

In her homily, Peggy reflected on the Love that is at the heart of this call. She began by quoting this lovely poem by Raymond Carver:

Did you get what you wanted
From this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
Beloved on the earth.

She went on to speak about how we are all called to find who we are and be who we are so that we know that we are loved and we experience ourselves at one with all of our fellow creatures and with the Mystery that lies at the heart of it all.

In light of these inspiring words, Maire went on to make her vows before us all. It was very moving to witness her making such a commitment at a time in our Mercy life when we are so often touched by the sadness of loss and when we as Church are called to walk more humbly with our God. It was a sign of hope and a tangible reminder of that desire within which calls us all ever deeper into  Mystery. In the words of Mechtilde of Magdeburg which Maire chose for the cover of her booklet:

You have the wings of longing;
You know the pull of hope;
You feel the flowing of desire;
So why not soar?

Máire and her parents

The ceremony was followed by a lovely celebration in Gleeson’s restaurant where conversation flowed and we all rejoiced. It was truly a joy-filled day. It was good to be there.

Welcome Maire!


Michele O’Kelly rsm
South Central Province