Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Postulator At World Meeting Of Families 2018

Brenda Dolphin rsm, Postulator for the Cause For The Canonisation Of Catherine McAuley, shared a stand with four other Postulators at the RDS (Royal Dublin Society) for the World Meeting Of Families.

Brenda, hard at work!

She enjoyed talking to people who did not know about Canonisation Cause or Catherine.  Many people were spotted walking around the RDS with prayer cards and information that Brenda had given them and she hopes that they are used to spark a bigger interest in Catherine’s life and great works.

It was also a great opportunity to promote together with others the social and religious contribution of valiant women of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries in Ireland and England. These include Nano Nagle, Mary Aikenhead, Mary Ward, Magdalen Taylor as well as Catherine McAuley. The title of the stand was Irish Saints in the Making which caused much amusement and was the starting point of many an interesting conversation.

For more information on the work of a Postulator, the Canonisation Cause and Catherine McAuley, please go to our website,