Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


God Is Love, Kindness And Immense Mercy

“God is Love, Kindness and Immense Mercy

What a fitting theme for our 64th Physically Challenged Retreat during this Year of Mercy! Our parish sponsors this wonderful retreat program for physically challenged people. It is called AIM which stands for Achieve, Inspire and Motivate. All of us who participate in the program definitely meet Christ on this weekend.

Sr. Josephine is second from left

The program was started by three people from Boca Raton, Florida in 1970.  Each year one or two retreats are held and it works on the buddy system. We have a core of leaders who organise the weekend and fund raise to help cover expenses. Then about 20 people form a team and to get to know each other as we meet and plan on a regular basis for three or four weeks. The leaders match up a team member with a physically challenged person. Prior to the weekend the able-bodied person makes contact with their buddy. In addition, two nurses are employed for the weekend and they take care of administering medication etc. We also have AIM angels who oversee the weekend and make sure that the needs of everyone are met.  We usually have about 50 people present for this wonderful Retreat. It is the only way some special needs people can attend a retreat. Two gifted musicians who are on the leadership team – Paul and Marguerita – provide the music. We also have a priest chaplain and we choose a leader for the weekend.

We meet on Friday evening and all are excited to meet their buddies, rekindle old friendships and welcome newcomers. Then all proceed to the dining room. It is wonderful to hear all of the sharing and laughter! We have a talk that first night followed by social time. Next day we have talks, skits, art, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, sharing and singing.  Saturday night we have a serenade where many people who cannot attend the weekend come and sing, share and socialise.

The retreat concludes on Sunday afternoon with Mass celebrated with great joy and love.  We all definitely return home with a new sense of appreciation for the gifts and talents each of us has received from God.  What a fantastic way to spend a weekend!  Everyone is renewed, refreshed and energised!

We realize how truly blessed we are by our God of Immense Mercy.

Josephine Sullivan 
US Province