Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Reaching Out – Reaching In

Is God doing a new thing?

Isaiah, the old testament prophet affirms that God is at work in the now of our world – “See, I am doing a new deed” (Is.43:19).   What an enabling message for a church in transition and for a changing world!

Reaching Out – Reaching In is a two-way process. Reaching Out influences our Reaching In and Reaching In influences our Reaching Out. Both perspectives are enriched. One Reaches Out from a deeper Reaching In. It is my experience from engagement with people in adult faith development that a richer sense of personal relationship with God and with others is emerging in this dynamic.

Since last June 1st, with very many other cradle Catholics, have been renewed and refreshed on our gifted journey of faith. This came about through the requests of six adults to become members of the Catholic faith community in their various parishes of the diocese of Cloyne. Having checked at national level, seventy-one elect will receive the three Sacraments of Initiation namely Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday night in 2016. This is a very touching and solemn church ceremony and a celebration to remember forever both for the recipients and for all present. This ceremony comes at the end of a process of inquiry, reflection on the Sunday Gospel and formal formation in the faith and prayer.

The question at this point is why did Vatican II restore this ancient practice of the catechumenate in the form of the R.C.I.A?  When the bishops explored what Church really means to us today, they found that rather than being a static institution the Church is the people of God who journey through life bonded in a community of faith. Through sharing and praying together in the R.C.I.A process both Catholics and inquirers find a way to live out their faith.

Renata Endriuliene & Heather Botrel

The very first step for these parishes last June was to invite me to set up a parish team in each of the parishes to welcome the inquirers. Each team consisted of four members who, over four nights training created a welcoming community within the parish. One of these four was a priest in the parish. The joy of the Sunday Gospel was reflected on and shared as part of each session. Home visits and cups of tea/coffee were shared until the inquirers were at ease to join the group. They were invited to ask questions and to discern about whether the Catholic way of life was for them or not. Team members asked questions like – ‘What influenced you in your journey to want to join the church at this time when it is not for many very credible? Invariably, they came up with responses such as – “I like what I see happening in that faith community” or “Pope Francis’ influence”.

The R.C.I.A. is a gradual process. It reflects all the elements of a growing relationship. It consists of four stages, each stage having its own liturgical celebration. It is at the liturgical celebrations that the faith community becomes alive. People are amazed that new members are still interested enough to join the community of faith today. They also appreciate that through their participation in these ceremonies that they become more aware of the gift of their own baptismal event and its implications now for their journey of faith. They also pledge the assistance of their prayers. The parish choir enhances these very special celebrations with the blessing:

“May the Word of God strengthen you,
May the Word of God nourish you,
May the Word of God comfort you; all your life”.

Left to Right Back Row: Paul O’Shea, Sr. Emmanuel, Luiuck Lebat
Front Row: Renata Endriuliene & Nora Sexton

In our diocese of Cloyne Bishop William Crean, on the vigil of the first Sunday of Lent, welcomed the catechumens, their sponsors, their godparents, team members and the entire worshipping community to the celebration of the Rite of the Election in the Cathedral in Cobh. Following the ceremony of election the catechumens donned the purple garments which symbolise their spiritual preparation for the great moment of their Christian Initiation at the Holy Saturday Night Vigil. These catechumens will rise to a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit.  God will indeed be doing a ‘new deed’ in their lives. The Easter Alleluias will ring out with joyful praise. What an enrichment for our faith journey!  Let us continue to support, in our prayers, these seventy-one new members. I am sure the reader is thinking – why not seventy-two!  These are the ones that are “Chosen and Called” in this Holy Year of Mercy 2016.

Emmanuel Leonard rsm
Southern Province