Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Mercy Students Increase Their Awareness Of The Wonders Of Science

“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”~ Rachel Carson.

Since 1980, Eskom (the Electricity Supply Commission of South Africa) has organised an Expo for Young Scientists. It is South Africa’s primary and only existing science fair for school students, where they have an opportunity to exhibit their own scientific investigations.

This International Science Fair unearths young scientists with potential, to encourage them to pursue careers in the science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation fields.

By participating in Expo, students increase their awareness of the wonders of science, adding to their knowledge, and exploring entrepreneurial possibilities, while they broaden their scientific horizons.

The Eskom Expo also brings together students, teachers, professional organisations and educational bodies and governments from all over Africa and further afield.

This year, there were approximately 1,400 learners at the International Science Fair with 659 projects. Students from Namibia, Swaziland, Mexico and South Africa took part. It is interesting to note that 58 percent of the participants were female.

From the Johannesburg Regional Expo, held on 26th July, 2014, St. Teresa’s Mercy High School selected 26 projects to go through to the International Science Fair.

Every year, St. Teresa’s holds an internal Expo in June where every single girl from Grade 7 to Grade 11, who takes Life Science or Physical Science as a subject, finds an interesting topic related to the world of Science, to investigate.  The students have to follow the scientific method in doing their projects, whereby they arrive at conclusions and are able to display their work on posters, with models and photographs.  The school has a team of external judges who come in and follow the Expo format in judging these projects.

From this platform, 52 girls were selected to go to the Regional Expo, and 8 went onto the National Expo.

St. Teresa’s top students

The St. Teresa’s projects that were selected to go onto the National Expo were as follows:

  • “The no-stick safety needle”, a project that invented a needle to ensure the safety of health workers, working specifically with HIV positive patients
  • “Affordable Housing Unit”, where bricks were created from recycled material
  • “Plant Hydrant”, in which a structure was invented to keep plants moist in domestic propagation
  • “Sunscreen Soap”, where a soap was invented. This was tested and got results that were scientifically proven, to protect our skins from harmful UV rays
  • “Awake! Gaming for Social Change”, in which a website with a game was set up. This will benefit the young society of today
  • “Eco-Absorber”, using eco-friendly substances to absorb harmful chemicals

Gold and silver medalists with Mrs Ann Topp (r)

In the Computer Science and Applications category, Leia French won top prize. For her gold medal, Leia won R500. She was awarded a bursary to Stellenbosch University, R5000 as the Eon premium prize, and R1500 for winning the category. Leia has been invited to the next round of interviews for a place in the team going overseas to participate in various International Expo’s.

The participants from St. Teresa’s were awarded 2 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 4 bronze medals.

It is hoped that these girls will continue to find science exciting and challenging.

Mrs Ann Topp
Johannesburg Regional Fair Director and teacher at St. Teresa’s Mercy School
South African Province