Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Christmas Angels – Border Angels

It’s December!  The anticipation of Christmas is already in the air!  Decorations and cards are appearing, carols are being practiced and the familiar tales of  the angels are being told.  In the Hispanic tradition we also celebrate, “La Posada.”  This recalls the journey of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, going door to door seeking refuge for the very pregnant Mary.  Soon after Jesus’ birth the Holy Family will be seeking refuge once again, but this time in Egypt, fleeing from the violent men who want to kill Jesus.

Here in San Diego, California, last July, we saw this story played out for us again in the plight of thousands of women and children who fled Central America seeking refuge within the US borders from gang and sexual violence, kidnappings and murders in their own countries.  As I watched all this drama on TV and happening in my own backyard, my heart was moved with compassion and mercy.  I saw my son’s face on the faces of the children and I felt the desperation of these mothers.

As a child, growing up Catholic in California, I went to school with the Mercy Sisters in San Diego.  There I was taught, and more importantly shown, that we are called to practical action.  My fondest memories of feeling Jesus’ love were through the many service projects I did through school and with my Girl Scout troop.  Now many, many years later a situation comes along that brings so much of this back to me again.

As we watched the nightly news and listened to the radio, we heard about the treatment these Central American refugees were receiving.  Among the horrific news stories about these children and mothers, I learned about a group called “Border Angels” that puts compassion into action by helping newly arrived immigrants.  They needed clothing, hygienic supplies and food.  This struck a chord in my heart as I found myself saying, “I have these things in abundance!  My community has these things in abundance!  How fortunate are we that we have the ability to help by simply donating?”

Social media is such a great tool to call a community to action and I asked all my friends to please donate.  I also reached out to my son’s preschool at St. Vincent’s and they were also excited to start a donation drive.  Immediately my friends and family sprung into action – people so desperately trying to find a tangible way to help and welcome these weary travelers!

After feeling so terrible and helpless for a week you cannot imagine how much my heart swelled when my call to action was met with so much enthusiasm.  Donations flooded into my house, my work, and my son’s school.  I made many trips that month with a car load of donations! I felt so proud of the love and compassion so many people around me had shown to people they had never met.  The Holy Family found refuge once again.


Above: Matt, Dario and Lyz Montoy (author)

PS:  At the time of this writing, nearly all the women and children have found refuge with family, relations or other agencies who are sponsoring them as they await a hearing with the US Immigration Service.  Families from Mexico, because it shares a border with the US are not so lucky and many will be deported back to Mexico.

Lyz Montoy
(niece of Susan DeGuide rsm)
US Province