Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Benemerenti Medal For Sr. Brigid Morgan

The name suggests it – if a person is awarded a Benemerenti Medal it is well merited. This was just the case when Sr. Brigid Morgan was recently awarded a medal for her sterling service to the parish of Baltinglass, Co Wicklow. Brigid went to the parish of Baltinglass from Rathangan where she had entered the convent, taught and was Principal in the second level school until her retirement.

Srs. Peggy Collins, Brigid Morgan and Mary Margaret Costigan

Still very active at sixty-five years Brigid brought all her talents to the task of contributing to the life of her new parish. Although she contributes in many areas of parish life perhaps her greatest gift to the people there is her music. She plays the organ and trains the choir with skill and feeling and enriches the liturgical life of the parish immeasurably.

Sr. Brigid Morgan, Nancy Hughes,  Kay Halstead, and May Markham (all Benemerenti Medal recipients) and Bishop Denis Nulty

Now at ninety years of age, Brigid still continues and it was fittingly considered that the Papal honour of being awarded the medal should be bestowed upon her. On Saturday 6th September Bishop Denis Nulty joined Fr. T. Dillon P.P. and Fr. N. Grace from Kiltegan to present the medal to Brigid. With her family and community from Rathangan and many Sisters from the neighbouring places present Brigid proudly accepted her award.

The medal itself hangs from a ribbon reminiscent of a military award and indeed so it was in the beginning. It was presented to military personnel who defended the Church and was first awarded in 1775 by Pope Pius VI. Eventually the award was extended to clergy and lay people who gave outstanding service to the church. A small lapel badge came with the medal.

Sr. Brigid with Fr. Tommy Dillon, P.P.

After Mass a celebratory get-together was hosted by the Parish. With congratulations, great chat and good food the evening was enjoyed by all. Eventually the very memorable event was brought to its close by Bishop Nulty’s magnificent singing voice giving a rousing rendition of “Dublin’s Fair City” – a fitting consolation to all the Dubs present still sore from their loss to Donegal. And Brigid the Mayo woman was big enough to join in!

Go mba fada buan í.

Bernadette Sheerin rsm
South Central Province