Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Fields Of Poetry Echoed By Rose

Poet Rose Moran rsm is seen above in the company of two honoured guests, Mayor Larry Bannon and Mary Carlton Reynolds, County Librarian

The beautiful volume of Poetry, written by Rose Moran, was published by Lapwing Publications. Dennis Grieg, publisher, was unable to be present at the launch but sent a tribute in which he wrote: a library is not just a repository of books but a pleasure garden, a treasure house of knowledge, of literary and other art, a place to be stimulated in soul and mind. His joy in Rose’s poetry comes across, as he continues: The simplicity of beauty is complex and the complexity of a spiritual life is expressed simply and beautifully through these poems, Here we have a window on Rose’s life and landscapes, people and places, as tenderly and earthy as “Stoney Grey Soil of Monaghan.

Rose looks happy to have the company of Una Purcell rsm above

Noel Monahan launched Echo Fields. Part of his appreciation of the book describes it as, intimate poetry of a unique type located between the lights of two rivers, the river Inny and Royal Canal in South Longford.”

Rose is joined by two friends, Claire O’Malley and Margaret Horan

Another quality identified by Noel is, this collection is an inner history of the collective psyche of a people in the 1950’s in this part of South Longford. It is reading the landscape with love and there is hardly any mention of hardship.” He goes on to philosophise that, “This inner vision of happiness is something we need in Longford, in Ireland at this particular moment as we plod from day to day in a spiritual famine, in a much changed landscape where neighbours hardly know each other. Echo Fields is a leave-taking of a Post-Modern, Globalised, Post-Celtic Tiger, Ghost-Estate ridden landscape. It is a journey back in time.

Nieces Daphne Duncan and Paula Lloyd join in the celebration

Rose herself took the microphone at the launch, welcoming everyone who had come to be with her on this momentous occasion. She also drew attention to the book’s beautiful cover picture. It is from photo 1238cCorncrake Meadow. jpg, taken and supplied by Mark Costello, with thanks also to Philip Butler, Chairperson Tidy Towns committee of Abbeyshrule.

Another of the Mercy Sisters present at the launch is Margaret Oates rsm

Rose, in the Mercy tradition, invited everyone to enjoy some treats, prepared by Róisín and her catering team from Killoe, and another special delectation from Sister Brigid Kelleher’s home baking. We can only hope that all enjoyed every aspect of the evening, knowing that more enjoyment is to be had in deep reflection on Rose’s great work.

The following short video features Rose, speaking about the launch, introducing and reading one of her lovely poems. Please ensure your speakers are turned on, click on the play button and enjoy!

Suzanne Ryder rsm
Western Province