Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Final Profession Of Erika Minano Lopez

“Here I am Lord, Send me” (Isaiah 6:8)

Little did I imagine as I pronounced these words about ten years ago that my life would be changed forever. The anecdote being that in 2001 I didn’t even know that these words were to be found in the Bible. My surprise was great when one year later I discovered that the prophet Isaiah had said these words which came from the depths of his heart during his experience of forgiveness. I made these words mine and I am confident that only God could allow them to spring from my heart. God has sown His Mercy in me. God has shown me Mercy throughout my life, a Mercy that has been with me in my family, my community and now in my desire to live Mercy for all my life and in eternity. “Here I am Lord, it is I Erika, and I offer myself to you with all that I am.’’


In my retreat two weeks prior to Profession, everyday I’d say to the Lord “together for all of life and into eternity.” These words made my heart beat strongly and a wonderful emotion filled my interior. I felt that this definite “Yes” was the union of the many times that I had said the “yes” of every day. I felt accompanied by the Virgin Mary, my mother and friend, and of course in a special way by Catherine McAuley.

Srs. Erika and Sarah in procession

On my Profession day I repeated these same words, “Here I am Lord.” Looking at the altar, my family, my Sisters in the Congregation, the people who accompanied me in my childhood and adolescent years I felt deeply the presence of God, a God who is full of Tenderness and Mercy. I felt that God was saying to me “Here I am waiting for you” and all I could answer was

“Yes”, “My God and My All for Time and Eternity” (C. McAuley)

“Aqui Estoy Senor” – Here I am Lord
Srs. Margaret Casey, Erika Miñano López & Betty Barry

Whow! For me it was an unforgettable day and it will always be engraved in my life like the first call “Whom shall I send……” (Isaiah 6)

One thing that I continue to affirm every day is that I want to share Mercy with my Sisters in the Congregation throughout the world and with the poor.  “It is the special gift of God to be servants of His suffering poor” (Catherine McAuley)

I know that in my journey through life I’m not alone, God affirms me at every moment. I know that I can count on the prayers of every one of my Sisters in Mercy. I know that the Virgin Mary accompanies me and that Catherine McAuley is holding me by the hand.

“Felicidades” – Congratulations

I consecrated my life to live the love of the Mercy of God and to share it with others. May your prayers help me and may God be the only motive of every one of my dreams and actions.

“My God and My All”

Erika Miñano López rsm
Southern Province