Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Mercy Associates In South Africa Renew Their Commitment

On Sunday, 13th October, 2013, a deeply inspiring commitment ceremony for the Associates and the Sisters of the South African Province was held in Iona Convent hall in Pretoria.

                 Associates and Sisters gather for the ceremony                           

The day commenced with attendance at the Sunday Mass at the local parish church. This was followed by a lunch for Sisters and Associates and time to socialize and renew acquaintances before the start of the ceremony.

The members of the Associates Representatives Committee were involved in every aspect of the planning and execution of the programme.

The first part of the service consisted of the lighting of the Mercy Candle. A very inspiring talk and reflection on Mercy was given by Sr. Majella Quinn and this was followed by an anointing and healing service.

Sr. Majella Quinn was the guest speaker

The Associates from the different areas then told the stories of their involvement in the Mercy ministries. These were both encouraging and helpful as new ideas of ministry involvement were shared.

Stories were shared

Sixty-eight Associates renewed their commitments for another year. Four Associates made their first commitments and were given their certificates and badges by Sr. Kathy Rule, the Provincial Leader, and Sr. Christine Jacob. Six aspirants were acknowledged and then the Sisters were asked to come forward, light a candle and commit themselves to supporting the Associates.

Mercy Associates from Boksburg renew their commitment

Renewed and refreshed after the day’s celebration, the Associates returned to their various places with enthusiasm to begin their next year of dedication to Mercy.

Elaine Pearton rsm
South African Province