Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


2nd National Symposium On Catherine McAuley Is A Resounding Success

Gathering on Catherine’s Birthday

After months of planning, at last the day had arrived! Sisters, Associates, Circle of Mercy Members, Colleagues and Friends arrived in Charleville from all parts of Ireland; from our neighbouring island across the Irish Sea; from North America; from Newfoundland; from Australia, Kenya and Poland. There was love and joy in the air. All had come to celebrate the birthday of a special person – Catherine McAuley, a holy woman and our beloved Foundress.

There was a sizzling excitement in the air as we surveyed the hall full to capacity with three hundred and twenty people. Anne Hannon rsm, Vice Postulator for the Cause of Catherine McAuley, welcomed everybody and handed over to Caitlin Conneely rsm, our facilitator for the day. Caitlin’s first duty was to welcome Mary Reynolds rsm, Executive Director of Mercy International Association, who intimated that she had a surprise for us. We have never had a portrait or photograph of Catherine so we were astonished when she described the finding of a portrait of Catherine painted by one of our most significant artists. When it was unveiled, it brought a gasp from the group. It was an awe-inspiring moment. Anne Reid, Mercy Associate, led us in prayer, which set the tone for the rest of the day.

The Radharc film, Kitty’s Folly, shown immediately after the Morning Prayer, was poignant and timely and evoked many memories for us. Following a thoroughly enjoyable morning, everyone adjourned for coffee.

Mary ReynoldsMary Reynolds rsm

Our First Session, Gathering the Harvest of Catherine’s Faith, presented by Mary Reynolds rsm, was an exposé on Catherine’s Faith. Mary illustrated how Catherine’s Faith was rooted in her total commitment to living like Jesus. She was unswerving in that commitment and, through her example, she persuaded others to do likewise. The challenge is the same for us today.

In response, Catherine, through her alter ego, Aine Barrins rsm, commended the message from Mary’s Presentation and urged the audience to value what she urged the Sisters of her time to do: ‘If we do not form our minds on the values of Jesus Christ, we will never acquire His evangelical spirit’.

Following a question and answer session we departed to have a lunch of soup, sandwiches, biscuits and tea or coffee.

Download Mary Reynolds’ presentation. 

Mary SullivanMary C. Sullivan rsm

We returned to the Conference Room for Session 2, during which Mary C. Sullivan rsm, author of the biography on Catherine entitled ‘The Path of Mercy’, spoke about Gathering the Harvest of Catherine’s Love and Humility. She illustrated several instances of Catherine’s love and humility. Catherine was truly aware of the love God had for her and declared if the love of God truly reigned in our hearts, it would quickly show itself in the exterior by our having a tender esteem for others. Side by side with love she valued humility to an extraordinary degree. She was constantly aware that those ‘whom Christ has graciously permitted to assist him in the person of his suffering poor have their hearts filled with gratitude and love and placing all their confidence in Him, ever keep his unwearied patience and humility present in their minds’.

Mary questioned the process of canonization as operated today and how the holiness of a person who is so loved and venerated so widely throughout the world is required to be proven within the confines of two physical miracles. Catherine, who has special appeal from people from all walks of life, is believed and known to work all kinds of miracles – psychological, spiritual and physical, during the last ninety years and indeed since her death.

Catherine, through Aine Barrins rsm, again responded to Mary’s presentation, and agreed with her that if we become humble and sincere, God will finish in us the work He has begun.

Download Mary C. Sullivan’s presentation. 

Brenda DolphinBrenda Dolphin rsm

Session 3 entitled Gathering the Harvest of Catherine’s Hope, presented by Brenda Dolphin rsm, Postulator for the Cause of Catherine McAuley, gave us a rich understanding of the theological virtue of hope. When we practice theological hope we are turning towards the true fulfillment of our human nature – towards the good –based on the reality of grace in the human person and we are directed towards supernatural happiness in God. Hope opens us up to God and teaches us to wait patiently and expectantly for God to come to us. All her life, Catherine, because of her reliance on the providence of God, continued to ‘confide in the generous bounty and never ceasing kindness of our beloved Saviour’.

One of the signs of lived hope that we can harvest from a study of Catherine’s life is youthfulness. We can emulate her by stretching out towards the ‘more’ that is at once adaptable and disciplined, has a resilient joy, has a strong-minded freshness, and holds in trust, a steady perseverance. These qualities distinguish the young and make them lovable.

Once more Catherine McAuley, through Aine Barrins rsm, responded by praising Brenda’s theological understanding of the virtue of hope. As Sisters of Mercy we should all agree that ‘each day is a step towards eternity, and we shall continue to step from day to day until we take the last step, which will bring us into the presence of God; let us always walk before Him in anticipation of that day’.

Download Mary C. Sullivan’s presentation. 


At the close of the Symposium, Anne Hannon rsm thanked the speakers who had given us a feast of words and thoughts.  She declared that all had enjoyed the day and praised Catherine’s alter ego, Aine Barrins rsm, who responded to each speaker with gentleness and grace, speaking from a compassionate heart.

She commended Caitlin Connelly rsm for conducting the day with quiet authority, patience and good humour.

PresentersBrenda Dolphin rsm, Caitlin Conneely rsm, Mary Reynolds rsm, Anne Reid (Mercy Associate) and Aine Barrins rsm

It was agreed that the presence of the Congregational Leadership Team and Provincial Teams contributed greatly to the Symposium Event and without their support it would not have been possible to host it. She also thanked the local Charleville Mercy Community for their hospitality and for the immense work they did in preparing for the liturgy. She thanked the Southern Provincial Team for printing the Mass Booklets.

There was a special word of thanks to Noreen Foley rsm and Dolores Brophy rsm and their helpers for servicing the Registration Desks.

Anne then thanked Fr. Willie Purcell for coming from Kilkenny to celebrate the Mass and she thanked the Young Mercy Leaders and our Mercy musicians for coming to provide music and song for the liturgy. We deeply appreciated their presence among us.

Lastly, Anne thanked the Canonization Committee – Anne Reid, Catherine McEvoy and Ailish O’Brien, for their quiet, productive work in organising the Symposium. They were a great group to work with and she enjoyed travelling to their meetings.

The presentations and responses were recorded by ÉIST and recordings can be purchased from the Mercy International Centre Shop in Baggot Street, Dublin or ordered directly from ÉIST

The presentations were also video recorded by Marie Stuart rsm, and will soon be featured in the Spirituality section on the Mercy World Website 

To view a 4 minute video clip on the unveiling of the newly discovered portrait of Catherine McAuley, visit the Mercy World Website

Text by Anne Hannon rsm (Vice Postulator for the Cause of Catherine)
Photos by Adele Howard rsm (ISMAPNG)
The song ‘A Better Way’ is used with permission of Liam Lawton
