Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Young Mercy Leaders’ Pilgrimage 2013 – Day Four

Today is Friday morning, 19th July and the last day of the Young Mercy Leader’s Pilgrimage has arrived. Once again, the sun is shining and it’s going to be a hot day.  Morning Prayer was held in the garden. Prayer opened with a gathering mantra which was sung softly for a few minutes until everyone was present in body, mind and spirit. This garden has played a central role during the pilgrimage and has been a place of reflection, fun, socialising, dancing and now, prayer.

To honour the sacredness of the week’s pilgrimage and in memory of all who came here this week, a shrub was planted in the garden. One pilgrim prepared the ground, others planted the shrub and Mary Kay Dubrovonly rsm, Assistant Director of Heritage and Spirituality, watered the earth. Catherine McAuley said that “Prayer is a plant, the seed of which must be nourished or it will die”. The pilgrims were reminded that their prayer will also come to bear much fruit. Prayers of gratitude to God were offered by the pilgrims and this special time of prayer came to an end.


The first session of the day took place in the main conference room. Dee McKenna rsm, facilitator for the pilgrimage, reflected with the pilgrims on the Gospel passage of the Transfiguration Mt. 17: 1-9. After the Transfiguration, the disciples Peter, James and John wanted to build 3 tents and stay on the mountain. Dee commented that she had heard from some of the Young Mercy Leaders that they would like to stay here; but unfortunately, it would soon be time to leave here and return home.

The pilgrims were given time to sit quietly with the feelings that were coming up for them and Dee invited them to write in their journals and record how they are. She suggested that there might be a mixture of feelings – sadness at leaving here and also looking forward to returning home. After the pilgrims had recorded their feelings in their journals, there was time for feedback and an opportunity to surface any concerns that the young people might have.

The keynote speaker today was Mary Reynolds rsm, Executive Director of Mercy International Association. The title of her address was ‘A Leader is a Dealer in Hope’. Mary observed that our world today needs hope and that we long for leaders to inspire and animate us.

For a full report click here
