Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Vita And Sustainability

The Western Province response to the 2006 Congregational Call to alleviate Extreme Poverty is carried by the Direction Three Group. They have led membership to work with the organisation Vita. One of Vita’s objectives is to promote sustainability for those living in the Horn of Africa. As the Direction Three Group encourage sustainability in all our lifestyles, they organised a day on the theme.

Sustainability is a big word!

Éanna Ní Lamhna,  member of Board of Directors of Vita and star of the Friday Derek Mooney radio programme, informed and entertained an interested audience when she spoke on the topic of Global Sustainability in Mayo Abbey on September 29th last.

The day began with reflection. A John Denver song, sung beautifully by Marie Cox rsm, was played with accompanying slides. Marie gave permission to use both and we are most grateful to her. The beautiful painting of the eagle, used in the lovely centre piece was painted by Bridget Anne Carter rsm.

The fascinating slide presentation started by showing how Earth’s human population has multiplied since the nineteenth century; from 1.5 billion in 1900 to a figure of over seven billion today.

The presentation went on to explain how global co-operation addressed the problem of depletion of the Ozone Layer. However, our use of Fossil Fuels is one of the biggest causes of concern. Éanna urged us to take definite measures to curtail our use of this valuable energy.

During the break for lunch, we were invited to explore the many wonders of Mayo Abbey, including the tunnel seen above. One of the group remarked on the pumpkins in full growth. The delicious four-course meal was prepared in the centre’s kitchen and featured the produce of its organic garden.

The second part of the day featured Éanna again, this time on the practical topic of how we might live in a more sustainable manner. Some suggestions included: having a vegetarian day every week, eating food only when in season and drying clothes in the fresh air.

A video was made showing the beginning of Éanna’s second presentation, a tribute John Weakliam made to the Mercy Sisters and a brief interview with Maureen Lally. A view of the facilities in Mayo Abbey includes a few words with Phyl O’Brien, a grateful graduate.

Suzanne Ryder rsm
Western Province