Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Mercy Associates’ Day Of Reflection – South Africa

On Sunday, 3rd June, a day of prayerful reflection on our Mercy Charism was hosted by the Winterveldt community.  The programme was drawn up by Sr. Christine Jacob and two assistants and presented and facilitated by Sr. Goretti Rule.  It was attended by forty three Associates and five Sisters and a bring-and-share lunch was enjoyed by all the participants.

Some of the Mercy Associates

The first input of the day was a DVD presentation on the life of Catherine McAuley. This was followed by reflection and sharing and then Sr. Juliana Yarkwan spoke on what it was in the life of Catherine that had inspired her to become a Sister of Mercy. The Associates were asked to reflect on what had moved them in Juliana’s story and many said how deeply they had appreciated her input.

Sr. Juliana Yarkwan

Each associate was given the following written questions to reflect on and share about in groups: What does it mean to me to be a Mercy Associate? How can I deepen my Mercy Spirituality? What can I contribute to the growth of the Spirituality of the Mercy Associate Group?

After lunch the DVD “Circle of Mercy” was viewed and groups were asked: How do/can we contribute to the works of the Sisters of Mercy in our area?

Sr. Goretti Rule

Sr. Goretti read a selection of Catherine’s sayings and Associates were asked to choose one, write it in the scroll on the back of the page, illustrate it and take it home to remind themselves to live what they had chosen.

The day concluded with a reflection on the commitment and a re-commitment by those who were already committed. The very inspiring day ended with the hymn: Suscipe of Catherine McAuley – which begins “My God I am Yours for Time and Eternity” …….. rendered with great enthusiasm by all.

Elaine Pearton rsm
South African Province