Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Venerable Catherine McAuley At IEC2012 – View A New Video Of Reflections On The Week

The 50th International Eucharistic Congress has come to an end.  However, this is only the beginning of a renewed love for the Eucharist among the people of Ireland and the world.

The Venerable Catherine McAuley Stand in the Exhibition Hall of the Eucharistic Congress attracted a lot of visitors and it was wonderful to hear stories of how Sisters of Mercy have touched the lives of many around the world and in Ireland.

Many Sisters of Mercy attended the Congress and in this short video, we get a flavour of the Eucharistic Congress and hear what some of those Sisters of Mercy had to say about the experience.

If you were unable to come to the Eucharistic Congress or if you were here and missed some of the talks, visit a wonderful website where many of the talks are available for viewing plus videos of interesting interviews and views of IEC2012.


The Canonisation Committee